Daily Programme – Wednesday, July 3


10:00 – 12:30
Subnetwork meetings [second session]
Venue: Forum Braga
Congress rooms(1st floor): Crafts and FolkArts, Music, Gastronomy
Meeting rooms (-1 floor): Literature, Film, Media Arts, Design

12:30 – 14:30


14:30 – 16:30
Dialogue with Youth [plenary session]
Venue: Main auditorium – Forum Braga

Moderator: Blair Stevenson, Professor, fundraiser and team leader at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Live illustration by visual artist Sama (Brasil/Portugal)

I. Lightning Talks

Maria Inês Afonso, Global Shapers Porto Hub
How can the empowerment of youth through the exercise of their cultural rights contribute to shaping adequate policies for the development of peaceful, sustainable and fair cities?

Thobile Chittenden (South Africa), CEO of Makers Valley Partnership and Network co-lead at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance
In what ways can an improved access to culture for youth drive innovation, creativity and opportunities for the local Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), thus contributing to cities’ long-term economic growth, the reduction of socioeconomic inequalities, and environmental protection?

Richa Gupta, India (education innovator and social entrepreneur, advocate for equality and inclusion, UN 2022 Cohort of Young Leader for the SDGs)
How can supporting the participation of youth in local decision-making advance the systematic integration of culture in public policies in the context of the 2030 Agenda and beyond?

14:45 – 15:30
II. Panel Discussion

Sérgio Simão Raimundo a writer, journalist, literary consultant and columnist, working for various media outlets in Mozambique and Portugal. He currently lives split between Mozambique and Portugal.

Dimas Pratama Wijayanto, Surakarta City. A modern singer, interested in the spirit of Javanese culture, combining modern music with traditional music. Active in youth organizations engaged in social and community fields

İndependent expert:
Tatiana Ferreira (sociologist with expertise in youth participation, EURYO-European Rural Youth Observatory and School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém

City Representatives:
Ziad Bensalla, Casablanca
Anna Hermouet, Enghien-les-Bains

15:30 – 16:30
III. Youth-led Group simulation

18:00 – 23:00
Dinner at the Museum D. Diogo de Sousa with Be-Creative Ágora (museum guided tours at 19:00, 19:45, 20:30 and DJ Paulo Couto)