Delegates Programme

Monday, 01 July

09:00 — 12:30

Morning Café-Talk


08:30 — 16:00

Registration of all delegates


09:00 — 10:15

Coordination Group session [first working session]

Subnetwork session

With the participation of the Coordination Group
Moderator: Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN

10:30 — 12:30

Integration session for the cities designated in 2023

Plenary session

Following the 2023 Call for Applications, 55 new cities joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). The new members were acknowledged for their strong commitment to harnessing culture and creativity as part of their sustainable development strategies, and their successful integration will further strengthen the Network’s inter-city exchange and cooperation.

Since its establishment, the Integration Session is dedicated to welcoming the newly designated cities and facilitating their integration into the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). This year, the session represents the first opportunity for the cities that joined the Network last year to interact and engage in-person with the UCCN Secretariat and each other, and to deepen their knowledge of the Network and its main objectives.


10:30 – 10:50
Part I: Presentation of the UCCN
The session, moderated by Ms Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN and Coordinator of the UNESCO Cities Platform (UCP), will present a general overview of the Network. It will describe the main activities of the programme, including the Annual Conferences, the Call for Applications, the Host City Selection, and the UCCN Reporting Exercise. It will also highlight the advantages, added-value and commitments of being a Creative City.

10:50 – 11:15
Part II: Presentation of the cluster Coordinators
The session will also include short presentations by the Coordinators of the 7 subnetworks, each representing one of the seven creative fields. These presentations aim to provide a brief overview of the subnetworks and the functioning of the respective clusters, notably on main initiatives and thematic focuses through collaboration.

11:15 – 11:45
Part III: Presentation of newly designated Creative Cities
Subsequently, Mayors, Focal Points and other city representatives from the Creative Cities designated in 2023 will have the opportunity to articulate, in a limited number of presentations, their initial experiences, visions and aspirations as they join the UCCN community and embody the aspiration of being a “Creative City.

Please note that each presentation will begin with a brief introduction to the city representative, outlining the city’s cultural assets, main cultural and creative initiatives, and prospective goals envisioned to be attained throughout their UCCN membership. Based on new cities’ first months experiences, this segment will facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights and strategies, thereby enriching the collective understanding and pursuit of the Network’s mission and objectives.

11:45 – 12:30
Part IV: Networking opportunity
Lastly, a dedicated segment will provide the newly designated cities with the opportunity to network and foster more personal connections. This time will allow participants to engage in small grooup with the UCCN Secretariat, subnetwork coordinators and one another on a deeper level while in a convivial setting, facilitating meaningful exchanges and potential collaborations.

Moderator: Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN

12:30 — 14:00


14:30 — 15:30

Opening Ceremony

Plenary session

Video of the City of Braga
Welcome intervention by Ricardo Rio
Video of UCCN 2024 partner cities: Amarante, Barcelos, Santa Maria da Feira
Opening remarks by Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO
Welcome video of Minister of Foreign Affairs (TBC)
Welcome video message by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal
Video message by Antonio Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations (TBC)
Video Produced for the Annual Conference under the theme : “20 Years of UCCN: Bringing Youth to the Table for the Next Decade”

Keynote speech by:
Andre Sobczak, Secretary-General of Eurocities

Host: Joana Miranda, Executive Coordinator at Braga Media Arts

15:30 — 16:15

Be-Creative Walk led by AILÉ - Voice and Percussion Orchestra

Forum Braga – Avenida da Liberdade – Avenida Central – Praça da República

16:15 — 21:30

Be-Creative Ágora official opening

Ecosystem programme


A journey through the creative diversity of cities

The Be-Creative Ágora programme stems from proposals by UNESCO’s seven Creative Cities sub-networks. It highlights creative outlets encountered in the city environment to ensure an essential meeting place where local and international dynamics converge.
Through artistic and performative expressions, poetic and documentary stories, gastronomic experiences and even design discoveries, everyone will be encouraged to explore and create new paths for creativity, as well as be led to reflect on the way we perceive it and live in our cities.
For the official opening delegates will be invited for an exploration walk that will visit the several exhibitions and installations developed for the Conference, as well as performances that will explore music and arts and crafts projects.

15:30 – 16:15
Be-Creative Walk led by AILÉ – Voice and Percussion Orchestra
From Forum Braga to Avenida da Liberdade until the Chafariz da Praça da República

16:15 – 16:30
Ailé – Voice and percussion orchestra
Location: Chafariz da Praça da República

16:30 – 17:00
A Letter to Youth literary performance
(Creative Cities of Literature)
Location:  Jardim Museu Nogueira da Silva

16:45 – 17:20
Toque, eco e retoque: Preserving and valuing traditional instruments
(Portuguese Creative Cities of Music)
Location:  Coreto do jardim de Avenida Central

16:45 – 18:45
Panel Discussion “Shaping and Disrupting Digital Technologies: Impact on Policies, Stakeholders, and the Creative Industry”
Location:  gnration

18:00 – 18:45
Arrumadores de Pessoas
Performed by Companhia Radar 360o
(Creative Cities of Crafts and Folk Arts, Creative Cities of Music)
Location:  Route between Campo da Vinha, Rua do Souto and Praça da República

From 15:30 all exhibition, installation and workshop places are open.
For more details refer to the Be-Creative Ágora programme.

19:30 — 21:30


Tuesday, 02 July

08:30 — 10:00

Morning Café-Talk


10:00 — 10:30

Activity Report of the UCCN Secretariat

Plenary session

Presentation by Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN

10:30 — 12:15

Special Segment: High-level Roundtable

Plenary session

Braga Manifesto: A Culture Goal for Sustainable Development

Since 2004, the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) has fostered global city collaboration. The 2024 UCCN Annual Conference in Braga will highlight how creativity enhances sustainable urban life and cultural diversity. This XVI edition will focus on cultural governance, investment, cross-sector collaborations, and innovation, emphasizing culture’s role in sustainable development and its importance in achieving the 2030 Agenda goals.

It will mark a milestone by endorsing the “UNESCO Creative Cities Braga Manifesto,” advocating for culture as a standalone goal post-2030. It aims to enhance the impact of local cultural policies worldwide, fostering international cooperation and guiding future UCCN Annual Conferences. This cohesive effort seeks to integrate culture into sustainable local development globally, paving the way for the Pact for the Future 2024 and the post-2030 Agenda.

Through a dynamic dialogue centered on the commitments outlined in the UNESCO Creative Cities Braga Manifesto, this session aims to establish a “Charter towards 2030.” while outlining local directions that contribute to a collective cause, positioning culture as a distinct objective in the post-2030 international development agenda. By advancing manifesto priorities through municipal contributions, this session will seek to shape a unified cultural vision for the future. With representatives from intergovernmental organizations and international networks, the session will endorse a global vision at the city level for advocating a post-2030 culture goal, drawing from their experiences and challenges and leveraging opportunities for cooperation.


Opening remarks by:
Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO

Dialogue 1: The Braga Manifesto: A Chart Towards 2030
With the participation of UNESCO representatives and a group of Mayors from Creative Cities

Esam Almullad, Al-Ahsa
Councilor Andrea Matcalf, Bendigo
Rufino D’Almeida, Bohicon
Luis Jonathan Moro Larcha, Montecristi
Nevena Mineva, Grabovo

Dialogue 2: A Glocal Agenda towards a Culture Goal

Kazumi Ogawa, Principal Coordination Offie r,UN-Habitat
Lindsey Ricker, Strategic Programming Lead, Centre for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum
Justine Simons, Deputy Mayor of London for Culture and the Creative Industries, Founder and Chair of the World Cities Culture Forum
Jordi Pascual, Founding coordinator of the Committee on culture, United Cities and Local Gobernments (UCLG)

Official photograph

Moderator: Joana Meneses Fernandes, Executive Director and Board Member Teatro Circo de Braga, EM Municipal Company for Culture

12:30 — 14:00


14:00 — 16:00

Thematic panels

Plenary session

Thematic Sessions

Aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration, The Thematic Panels of the XVI UCCN Annual Conference will explore cultural challenges and opportunities, reaffirming culture as a “global public good.” Panels will showcase culture-driven policies and projects by Creative Cities at various levels. City delegates, including Mayors and Focal Points, will share insights into initiatives from inception to outcomes, demonstrating culture’s transformative power in sustainable urban development. Delegates will be able to interact with panelists in Q&A sessions, fostering knowledge-sharing and peer-learning among member cities.

Theme 1: A Just Transition towards AI for Artists and Culture Professionals
To explore ethical integration of AI in Cultural and Creative Industries at the city level. The presented cases will unveil initiatives that ensure creators’ rights, accessibility, fair remuneration, and AI regulation across cultural creation stages.

A representative from Kingston (TBC)
Jordi Hernàndez Prat, Terrassa
A video message from a representative of Biella
Fatema Al Sulaiti, Doha

Theme 2: International Cooperation to Overcome Challenges and induce a Culture of Peace
To delve into culture’s transformative potential for global challenges, fostering peace through international collaboration. From climate change to conflicts, culture builds resilient societies. Panelists will showcase collective approaches involving diverse stakeholders, fostering peace-building mechanisms for a sustainable future.

A representative from Buraydah (TBC)
Representitives from London and Kansas City (TBC)
A representative from Medellin (TBC)
Representatives from Angoulême and Nanjing (TBC)

Theme 3: Empowering the Citizens of the Future through Culture and Arts Education
To highlight the symbiotic relationship between culture and education, showcasing how Creative Cities integrate culture into diverse educational settings. Through concrete examples, it will demonstrate how cities equip residents of all ages with the skills and knowledge to realize their creative potential. From local communities to youth, these efforts promote holistic sustainable urban development.

Dwinita Larasati, Bandung
Saeed Mubarak Kharbash, Dubai
Hannah Trevarthen, Nottingham
Clesch Atipo Ngapi, Brazzaville

Moderator: Hortense Assaga, journalist

16:15 — 18:15

Subnetwork meetings [first session]

Subnetwork session

Meetings of the 7 subnetworks in parallel in different rooms. 

Congress rooms (1st Floor): Crafts and, FolkArts, Music, Gastronomy

Meeting rooms (-1 floor): Literature, Film, Media Arts, Design

18:30 — 21:30

Restaurant Dinner Routes while exploring the Braga After Dark

22:00 — 23:00

Artistic Performance Universe of Solutions

Ecosystem programme


Where do the answers to our greatest challenges arise? What extraordinary transformation occurs when we unite to confront our obstacles? Can we envision and build a Universe of Solutions? This heart-stirring interdisciplinary concert, weaving together music, dance, and video, presents the profound visions and dreams of young people invited by artist Mikhail Karikis. They courageously reflect on today’s pressing environmental and sociopolitical challenges, discovering the immense strength within themselves and their communities, and directing their focus toward a collective, hopeful future.
Conceived and directed by Karikis, the Universe of Solutions project is co-led by choreographer and performer Maruan Sipert, in partnership with photographer Maria João Salgado. This remarkable creative endeavor brings together 150 teenage dancers and musicians from Amarante, Barcelos, Braga, and Santa Maria da Feira, harmonizing their talents to forge an unforgettable and deeply inspiring experience.

Wednesday, 03 July

08:30 — 10:30

Morning Café-Talk


10:00 — 12:30

Subnetwork meetings [second session]

Subnetwork session

12:30 — 14:30


14:30 — 16:30

Dialogue with youth

According to the World Youth Report, people aged 15-24 years account for 16% of the global population, with the young population in the least developed countries expected to rise from 207 million in 2019 to 336 million by 2050. Despite being crucial for addressing multidimensional challenges in sustainable urban development, youth often lack the means and opportunities to advocate for their aspirations and are marginal in decision-making processes, even though they are the most affected by current decisions on the environment, artificial intelligence, and other global challenges.

UNESCO has identified youth as a priority group due to their creativity, innovation, and capacity for change. By fostering their active participation, the XVI UCCN Annual Conference aims to empower youth to influence cultural policies at all levels, as part of the post-2030 development agenda. The dedicated Dialogue with Youth session will explore strategies to ensure youth voices are heard and addressed, and to guarantee equal opportunities for meaningful engagement in building peaceful, sustainable, and fair cities where culture and creativity are central.

Throughout the session, visual artist Sama will capture the essence of the discussions through live illustration, constructing a visually catching outcome art piece that will be made accessible to all city delegates.


Lightning Talks
Lightning talks by young leaders will reflect upon the fact that the empowerment of youth through their cultural rights can shape policies for developing peaceful, sustainable, and fair cities. The discussion will then explore how improved access to culture for youth can drive innovation, creativity, and opportunities in local Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), contributing to long-term economic growth, reducing socioeconomic inequalities, and protecting the environment. Additionally, they will examine how supporting youth participation in local decision-making can advance the integration of culture into public policies within the context of the 2030 Agenda and beyond.

Panel Discussion
Moderated by independent experts, the discussion will gather youth representatives, a sociologist and city delegates committed to actively involving youth in their local decision-making processes. This segment will inspire meaningful exchanges on how to build an enabling environment for the inclusion of youth from a diversity of backgrounds in urban policy-making.

Youth-led Group Simulation
The third part of the session will feature a youth-led group exchange with the audience, focusing on enhancing youth participation and empowerment in shaping the post-2030 international development agenda such as supporting youth in city-level culture and creativity, rethinking cultural rights, encouraging youth-led cultural expressions for education and careers, fostering youth engagement in climate action, and integrating youth in urban cultural strategies. Through simulated future scenarios facilitated by a youth representative, this segment will encourage an interactive and imaginative approach to exploring opportunities for youth involvement in future city-making.

Young leaders:
Maria Inês Afonso, Global Shapers Porto Hub
Richa Gupta, UN 2022 Cohort of Young Leader for the SDGs, and CEO
Thobile Chittenden (South Africa, AFR), CEO of Makers Valley Partnership and Network co-lead at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Sérgio Raimundo, writer, teacher, journalist, literary consultant, and columnist

Independent Expert:
Tatiana Ferreira, sociologist EURYO-European Rural Youth Observatory and School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém

City Representatives:
Bensalla Ziad, Casablanca
Dimas Pratama Wijayanto, Surakarta

Independent Expert:
Tatiana Ferreira, sociologist EURYO-European Rural Youth Observatory and School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém

City Representatives:
Bensalla Ziad, Casablanca
Dimas Pratama Wijayanto, Surakarta

Moderator: Blair Stevenson, Professor, fundraiser and Team leader at the Research, development and innovation unit on digital businesses at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Live illustration by visual artist Sama

Sama’s work constitutes an “Atlas” that unfolds across different languages and mediums, including drawing, painting, writing, collage, performance, theater, sound art, comics, and experimental cinema.
The artist demonstrates a particular interest in the impact of mass culture on contemporary poetics, always from a peripheral and marginal point of view.
Sama has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Lisbon, Porto, Beja, London, Mindelo, and Vienna. He will exhibit at the Cerveira Biennial in 2024. He has published books and fanzines. Together with Luísa Sequeira, he founded OFICINA IMPERFEITA, a space for the development and practice of anti-hegemonic art. He also creates experimental films, notably the erotic-noir animation “Motel Sama” and the short film “Detetive Ayahuasca.”

18:00 — 23:00

Be-Creative Ágora in Museum D. Diogo de Sousa

Dinner at the Museum D. Diogo de Sousa with Be-Creative Ágora activities: DJ Paulo Couto and museum guided tours.

Thursday, 04 July

08:30 — 09:00

Departure Connect-Together

09:30 — 17:00

AMARANTE - Inclusive and green public spaces: Well-being of Individuals and Communities


Public spaces have a significant role to play in urban development as they relate to and enhance the well-being of the society as a whole and ensure the cultural foundation and heritage for future generations.

9:30 – 10:00
Hear the sound of Amarante!
Welcome address by: José Luís Gaspar, Mayor of Amarante and Rosário Machado, Director of the Culture Department of Amarante.
Introduction to the day’s activities with insights into playful and creative challenges connected to the city’s public spaces. Color-gamified activity, forming groups to explore collaboratively.
Venue: City center, public spaces

10:00 – 11:00
Fall in love with Amarante
Playful exploration of the city and its public spaces to stimulate senses and embark on an adventure to discover the scenic jam.
Venue: City center

11:00 – 12:30
Explore outside
Overview of successful, innovative and inclusive solutions to foster individual and communal well-being
Venue: Cine-Teatro

12:30 – 14:00
Amar-Picnic: a scenic lunch
Venue: Museum Amadeu de Souza-Cardoso

14:00 – 17:00
Think Inside with Amarantinos
Group reflection to devise youth-inclusive scenarios for Amarante’s public space(s), through storytelling, and guided exercises
Presentation of the collective ideas and proposals for Amarante’s public spaces, open to citizens from Amarante, to the sound of the local music
Venue: MIMAR and Museum Amadeu de Souza-Cardoso

Return to Braga

09:30 — 17:00

BARCELOS - Sustainability assets: from resources to investments


In Barcelos, a UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art, the traditional open-air market comes alive every Thursday, showcasing farmer’s products and locally crafted goods such as pottery, ceramic embroidery, linens, etc. For centuries the city has served as a vibrant center of cultural exchange. During their visit to Barcelos, delegates will explore how open-air city markets, such as Barcelos’ , fulfill their potential by becoming creative hubs that promote accessible learning and cultural engagement. Delegates will also identify sustainable assets that help transform locally sourced resources into investment opportunities through creative interactions.

9:30 – 10:15
Welcome Address
Mário Constantino Lopes, Mayor of Barcelos
Nuno Rodrigues, Director of Tourism, Sports, Youth, Culture department, Municipality of Barcelos
Anabela Gaspar, House of Creativity Barcelos

10:15 – 12:15
Future Market Quest
– Guided group exploration of Barcelos open-air market: it will delve into cultural, social, economic, environmental, innovative, and intergenerational aspects
– Participants will then be divided into groups, engaged in observing, mapping, and analyzing different dimensions of the market
Venue: Barcelos open-air market

12:30 – 14:00

14:00 – 16:30
Market ideation
– Discussions, exchanges and sharing of observations on the current market landscape to identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities
– Creative workshop to build visual aids and develop storytelling to envision future possibilities for the market
Venues: Theatre Gil Vicente (Hall), Noble Room of the City Hall, House of Creativity

From 16:30
Return to Braga

09:30 — 17:00

SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA - Innovation and New Generation Technologies: from upskilling tools to collaborative platforms


In Santa Maria da Feira, a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, the rich tapestry of medieval flavors inspire modern creativity, bridging the gap between culinary arts and street art. The city offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation, showcasing everything from historic castle recipes to cutting-edge technologies. This environment fosters creativity as well as tools that encourage imaginative exploration and experimentation. Each culinary experience in Santa Maria da Feira sparks new tastes and interactions, using historical expertise as a foundation for future cultural developments. Santa Maria da Feira thus emerges as a dynamic crossroad, acting as a collaborative platform for nurturing tools to promote literacy, creativity and storytelling.

10:00 – 10:30
Street-Arts Classroom
Welcome address by:
Amadeu Albergaria, Mayor of Santa Maria da Feira
Fábio Pinto, Focal Point of Santa Maria da Feira
Creative storytelling in collaboration with the local festival Imaginarius (skill-building exercise)
Venue: Praça Gaspar Moreira or Praça da República

10:30 – 12:30
Library of the next generation technologies
Opening session focused on highlighting current and future trends, aiming at enhancing literacy in the field of the new generation of creative technologies
Interactive exchange among participants to explore the impact of new-generation technologies in the culture sector
Collective design of a ‘cooking kit’ — a collection of new tools and platforms designed to boost creativity and collaboration among creative artists, entrepreneurs, citizens, and future city leaders
Venue: Library of Santa Maria da Feira

12:30 – 13:00
Sweet bread for collaborative platform
Focused discussion inspired by the Fogaça-making process, to summarize the results of the ‘cooking kit’ exchange. This conversation will further explore the crucial role that Creative Cities play in enhancing the skills of their emerging young creatives, professionals, and citizens.
Additionally, the discussion will touch upon strategies that leverage inter-city collaboration to empower multi-stakeholder platforms and drive creative innovation while preserving the community values.
Venue: Library of Santa Maria da Feira

13:00 – 14:30

14:30 – 15:15
Up to the Castle
Networking walk across Santa Maria da Feira green spaces, exploring historic Portuguese gardens

15:15 – 16:30
Encompassing Fabrics of Feira
Set against the backdrop of a historic Castle of Santa Maria da Feira, this gathering will feature live cooking and cocktail demonstrations by young professionals, and offer networking opportunities.
Venue: Castle of Santa Maria da Feira

From 16:30
Return to Braga

18:30 — 23:00

“Easy Breeze Garden” Party


Sunset Session

An open invitation to the encounter. At this event organized for participants of the UNESCO Creative Cities XVI Conference, the natural heritage of the city of Braga blends with music and performance offerings that will inhabit a space to be discovered right next to Forum Braga.

Be-Creative Ágora programme:
DJ Balerio
21:30 Performance “Displacing Utopia”, directed by Alexandre Centeio e Miguel De

Friday, 05 July

08:30 — 10:30

Morning Café-Talk


09:00 — 10:15

Coordination Group session [second working session]

Subnetwork session

With the participation of all members of the Coordination Group
Moderator: Ms Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN

10:30 — 12:00

Presentation of the subnetworks reports

Plenary session

Moderator: Ms Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN

12:00 — 12:20

UCCN Host City session

Plenary session

Presentation by Querétaro (Mexico) the 2025 Host City
Moderator: Denise Bax, Secretary of the UCCN

12:30 — 13:00

Closing ceremony

Plenary session

Video screening of Conference highlights

Closing remarks by:
Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga
Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO

Immersive instalation, by João Martinho Moura, António Rafael, Miguel Pedro
On the opening date of Fórum Braga, João Martinho Moura, António Rafael, and Miguel Pedro were invited to create an audiovisual piece, projected on a large scale, commissioned by Carlos Oliveira. The piece, which served as a surprise element for this event, was created in a very specific creative context of the city of Braga, which at the time was a candidate for UNESCO’s Creative City of Media Arts Network. The creation of the piece had the special and scientific contribution of Professor Manuela Martins from the University of Minho. touches on the history of the city of Braga, its heritage and roots, and its institutions. In 2024, as part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Conference, we revisit a work that expands the possibilities of connection between heritage, memory, identity, and new technologies.

Host: Joana Miranda, Executive Coordinator at Braga Media Arts

13:00 — 14:30


14:30 — 19:00

We keep our door always open

Ecosystem programme


Sunset Session

Green tourism

Braga, renowned for its hospitality and warm welcome, embodies an ancient tradition of keeping doors open to visitors. This custom, reflecting the city’s spirit of openness, generosity, honesty, and sincerity, is encapsulated in the local expression, “Our door is always open.” The afternoon programme invites you to immerse yourself in Braga’s culture, nature, and rich heritage, fostering a deep connection with the residents and place.

Join in this unique experience where every door leads to a warm welcome, and every moment offers an opportunity for connection and self-discovery. Explore hidden gems, engage with friendly locals, and savor the beauty and history of Braga, embracing its commitment to making everyone feel at home. Participants are invited to discover Braga, immerse themselves in its local culture, embrace nature, and connect with its rich heritage.